
Welcome on the family page of the parish Christ our King

It is important and a great thing when families feel at home in our parish. Through this page you can find more information. Click on the flag to get to the language of your choice.
All the activities mentioned here are also announced in the parish magazine, the letter of information for children, and when the notices are read at the end of Mass during the weekends.

Newsletter for children

The newsletter for children is presented before the last weekend of every month (August excepted). The letter contains information about all activities organised for children. If you want to receive the Newsletter for children digitally please send an email letter to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. 
Newsletter for children: Actual edition

Children’s Service

During the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays at 10.00 A.M. a Children’s Service is held regularly. After the opening of Mass the children come together in a separate room under the church tower. Here a member of the working group Children’s Services together with the children read the Gospel of that day and talk about its meaning: Wat does it mean for me? What does it ask from me to do?
After that there is a creative activity connected with the day’s theme of the Gospel.
The Children’s Service is intended especially for children of school groups 1 to 5 or 6. But younger children (guided by father or mother) and older children can also attend if they want to.
Immediately after prayers the children come back into the church.

The dates of the Children’s Services during the school year 2024/2025 are as follows: 1 September, 29 September, 6 October, 3 November, 10 November, 1 December, 8 December, 15 December, 22 December, 5 January, 19 January, 2 February, 2 March, 23 March, 6 April, 12 April, 20 April, 11 May, 15 June, 6 July.

Family Sundays

A few times a year a Family Sunday is organised. These Sundays begin with a Eucharist celebration at 10.00 AM. During the Eucharist there is a Children’s Service. After Mass there is a common lunch. Everybody brings something to eat, preferably from the person’s own culture, to share with the other families. In this way there is a rich and varied table. Even when due to circumstances you have not brought anything to eat, you are welcome to join in the lunch.
After lunch we split up into two groups:
- the children explore the theme of the day in a playful way,
- the parents come together with the priest. After showing a short film or giving a short introduction the group discuss the theme.
The Family Sundays are intended to get to know each other better. At the same time we want to get a deeper understanding of our faith and form one community.
The dates for the school year 2024/2025 are: 29 September, 10 November, 19 January, 23 March.

Family Celebrations

Now and then there are also Family Celebrations. Here families are involved in the Eucharist in a special way. For instance by different music from the usual one, or by having the children read the prayers. These Family Celebrations often occur on special days, such as Easter and Christmas.